

Computer · UI · UX · Wireframing · Web-extension




For my final year project, I designed and created a digital product called Bravo. Which is a web-extension tool that is designed to help people with dyslexia navigate across the internet.

The project consists of two areas:

  1. Bravo web-extension
  2. Bravo manual

The manual is used in conjunction with the web extension to help the user understand all of Bravo's specially designed features, and furthermore, it holds all my research I learned about how to make the internet more accessible for people with dyslexia.


For Bravo, I began researching a lot. I learned about dyslexia, how to help people with dyslexia, and so on. Then I began doing user research, creating user personas, user flows, empathy maps, etc.

Now having a better understanding of dyslexia, then I began creating the web extension. Then the manual down the lane.


I’m very pleased with the outcome of Bravo, the research was great, the prototype was well designed and easy to use, and the manual was a great addition to the project.

Full project leak: https://www.notion.so/Final-year-Major-Project-ce0110a945b64df08e1fd1fa4fdd8cec


Joshmccabe.com Development: Josh McCabe Project: Bravo

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